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September Newsletter, 2024


Pictured recently at Tom Collins House are from left Soraya Acosta, Emerging Writers Program Liaison Ana Terwindt, Vanessa Karas, and Emily McGuiness. 

Dear writers, 

Happy spring! We hope you are enjoying the change in season. The wildflowers are coming out and the magpies are collecting material for their nests all around Tom Collins House.

We are delighted to say that the split system airconditioner at Mattie Furphy House has been replaced so the main room is comfortable once again all year round.

The old one broke down after many years of service.

Feel free to book Mattie Furphy House for meetings, writing groups, workshops and book launches, or if you need somewhere quiet to work on your manuscript.


Annual General Meeting Sunday, November 3

The Fellowship of Australian Writers WA Annual General Meeting will be on Sunday, November 3 at 2pm. Please save the date. We look forward to seeing you!

Formal notice of the AGM will be coming shortly by email inviting you to RSVP.

It will also include nomination forms for the committee to be elected on the day.

Please consider nominating for one of these varied and interesting roles.  


Call for Expressions of Interest for Committee Membership

In the meantime, the FAWWA Committee has two current vacancies for ordinary committee members and is calling for expressions of interest.

Our friendly team works to support FAWWA by providing studio spaces, organising workshops and events, and maintaining our two historic cottages and museum collection.

We meet once a month at Tom Collins House.

We welcome enquiries from members who have an interest in social media and promotions, events and workshop planning, meeting people and encouraging membership, and who would like to be involved in caring for our museum and houses.

The time commitment is approximately two hours a month for meetings, plus time for any projects that committee members may choose to take on to support the organisation.

To find out more please email


Social Media and Branding for Authors with Holly Craig

Would you like to know more about social media and how to develop your author brand? Western Australian author Holly Craig (The Shallows, The Rip) will teach a workshop at Mattie Furphy House on Saturday, September 28 from 10am to 11.30am.

Don’t miss out on this fun and informative session with one of Australia’s most popular new crime writers. Spaces are limited. To purchase your ticket please click here.


Stuart and Hadow Short Story Competition Date Change

The Stuart and Hadow Short Story Competition will be held early next year. The competition has recently coincided with The Great Australian Yarn competition which affected the number of entries. The next annual Stuart and Hadow will instead be run early 2025. Exact dates will be advised in our newsletter, website and social media.


Call-out for Volunteers

We have wonderful support from our volunteers. A big shout-out and thankyou to our bookkeeper Anna, Emerging Writers Program Liaison Ana, handyman Con, and intern Sophie. We can’t tell you how much we appreciate you all!

However, we welcome more help. If you would like to volunteer at FAWWA, we would love your assistance. Please email


Congratulations to Annie Wilson

Congratulations to Annie Wilson whose manuscript Nowhere, Everywhere has been longlisted for the 2024 City of Fremantle Hungerford Award. Annie is a former FAWWA committee member and competitions manager and organiser. We wish Annie every success with her manuscript.

The Emerging Writers’ Program 

Our 2024/2025 Emerging Writers’ Program participants Soraya Acosta, Emily McGuiness and Vanessa Karas have been meeting regularly with our FAWWA EWP Liaison, Ana Terwindt, and have settled into their writing days in the newly refurbished studios.  

FAWWA is co-hosting and partnering the EWP program with Writing WA and our aim is to provide every assistance to help our emerging writers develop their debut manuscripts. Pictured recently at Tom Collins House are from left Soraya Acosta, EWP Liaison Ana Terwindt, Vanessa Karas, and Emily McGuiness. For more information about the Emerging Writers Program please click here.


McCusker Foundation Intern

Our student intern Sophie Eppette is well into her work at FAWWA.

Sophie is a UWA undergraduate who is studying Fine Arts and History of Art and has come to us through the McCusker Centre for Citizenship. She is working with the UWA Digitisation Service to prepare items in our collection to be photographed with a view to creating an online FAWWA museum website.

Sophie will be with FAWWA until the end of October.


The Writer’s Studios at Tom Collins House and Mattie Furphy House

Are you in need of a quiet space to write? The writer’s studio at Tom Collins House and the two studios at Mattie Furphy House are open for daytime bookings, seven days a week. 

Write, read, edit, or mark up your manuscript amid the peaceful surrounds of natural bushland a short walk from the train, beach, and Kirkwood Deli. 

The studio is available for hire on a daily rate. For more information please visit Space to Co by clicking here or email us at


Write prose with Bruce Russell 

The Out of the Asylum writers’ group is offering prose writing classes at Mattie Furphy House through 2024, taught by Dr Bruce Russell. The classes are to help writers build confidence in creating a short story (1,000 – 3000 words), essay or literary non-fiction. Classes are the first Friday of each month. There are two classes left to run, October 4, November 1. For details please visit


The Armadale Writers’ Award

This creative writing competition is open to adult writers living in Western Australia. Works must be original unpublished prose and have a 1000 – 3000 word count.

The Armadale Writers’ Award will open and accept online entries from 1 – 30 September 2024. The cash prizes for each category are $1000, $750, $500, and seven finalists will receive a $50 book voucher.

For details please click here.


Read-aloud fun for kids with authors Renae Hayward and Rebecca Mills

Bring your children to a free morning of live readings, sensory activities and crafting with author Renae Hayward and illustrator Rebecca Mills for the launch the Say Hello board book. The launch will take place at Rankin Gardens next to Subiaco Library on Saturday, September 14 from 10.30am to midday. For details please click here.


The Double-Take Novelette

Submissions are open for the Double-Take Novelette award. A novelette (between 7,500 and 17,500 words) is shorter than a novella but longer than a short story, long enough to require narrative but short enough to demand pace, structure and precision of language.

Two WA authors will be awarded $2,500 and a publishing contract with Night Parrot Press.

Submissions close 10 November. For more information please click here.


Travel grants for professional development for writers

The Travel Fund supports emerging, midcareer, and established Australian writers and literary sector workers to pursue professional development opportunities.

Applicants can apply for grants between $2,000 and $10,000 which support professional development through travel taking place between 1 November 2024 and 11 November 2025. Submissions close on Sunday, September 15. For details please click here.  


Happy writing,  

The Committee

Fellowship Australian Writers WA



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