Dear Members and Friends,
The longed-for Spring has at last arrived: spring lambs and chicks under warm feathered hens, the slough of winter cast off as vine leaves uncurl and flowers blossom. A time of hope and renewal. Nigel Featherstone has completed his selection of stories in the Stuart Hadow Short Story Competition and has compiled his shortlist (see below). The Prize Ceremony as you know has been set for the 5th September at Mattie Furphy House, 2-4 p.m.
I would like to thank Horst Kornberger for his well received creativity workshop "Garments For Survival", Andrew Levett for his Creative Writing classes, James Green for attending our August Friday at Furphy's. I would also like to thank Bruce Willet for hosting the Book Length Project Group. The Indian Ocean Writers' Group is also enjoying regular gatherings.
Finally, a reminder that our A.G.M is to be held on October 25th at 3 p.m. I would encourage all members to consider standing for the committee. Nominations can be made by contacting the FAWWA office (9384 4771, at, or nominating on the day. The committee positions are: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and ordinary committee members. We are very grateful to Machiel van der Stelt for nominating to continue as Vice President in 2021. However, we need a strong and motivated President to help carry our organisation forward. If you can fill this role we would really welcome your nomination. Please attend your A.G.M, get on board and help make FAWWA a vibrant place.
Sally Gaunt
Acting President
September 2020
Stuart Hadow Competition
The Fellowship is delighted in the interest generated in this annual Competition: over 200 entries were received, well up on previous years. Judge Nigel Featherstone has released his shortlist:
Ben Blitzer, 'Little Hero' (Merredin, WA)
Patrick Boxall, 'Blitzkreig' (VIC)
Erwin Cabucos, 'Theresa' (QLD)
Kylie Shearer, 'Second Chance Elodie' (VIC)
Rita Tognini, 'When I Met Alice Munro' (WA)
Sean Wilson, 'Bully' (VIC)Ben
The prize winners will be announced at Mattie Furphy House on Saturday 5/9/20, 2-4 p.m. Arrive at 1.30pm for drinks and nibbles. FAWWA has set up a Zoom meeting for the occasion. Nigel Featherstone (Goulburn, NSW) and those shortlisted can participate. Yeeda Topham will host the Zoom Meeting, which is scheduled to start at 2pm. If you would like to join us via Zoom, please email FAWWA at and we will send you the Zoom Link.
There will be some readings of winning entries. Looking forward to it!
FAWWA welcomes two Writers in Residence this month:
Andrew Levett, from 14th to 23rd September
Ben Mason, 25th September to 11th October
Andrew will speak at our September Friday@Furphy's, see below.
Ben will return to complete the second half of his residency in January and share his story with our February Friday@Furphy guests in 2021!
Ben Mason, writer of fiction and the spoken word, will unpack the the power of the sentence with his workshop titled "The Art of the Sentence", on Sunday 27th September, from 1-4pm. For bookings please email or call FAWWA, or book via the website:
OOTA at Mattie Furphy House
FAWWA is pleased to announce that during the Covid period OOTA's fortnightly workshops in poetry and prose will be held at Mattie Furphy House.
Shane McCauley's Poetry Workshops are currently full, but stay tuned because space may become available as Covid restrictions ease.
Carol Millner's Prose Workshops still have places available. The coming dates are:
Wednesday 9th September, 2-4pm (one-off Wed due to another booking)
Friday 25th September, 2-4pm
Perth Poetry Festival - WAPI events
WAPI will hold three events at FAWWA during the Perth Poetry Festival.
Who are You? With Taonga Sendama Saturday 19th Sept, 9.30–11.00am, at Tom Collins House
This workshop examines the concept of Self as a multifaceted, growing identity and how, even as individuals, we are still tethered to community.
Poetic Form: What is it and What’s it to You? With Annamaria Weldon & Dennis Haskell Saturday 19th Sept,11.30am–1.00pm, Tom Collins House
This workshop will discuss contemporary poetic form, the reasons for the shift from traditional stanza and rhyme, and the formal elements that best suit draft poems submitted by participants. To book:
Looking for the Narrative With Mike Williams Sunday 27th Sept at Mattie Furphy House 9.30–11.00am WAPI Office
This workshop will be informal and mostly a discussion with fellow writers in creating a narrative poem, be it fictional, autobiographical, or otherwise. Attendees can bring any completed Narrative poems or those they are working on plus any notes for those in mind. To book:
Andrew Levett Creative Writing Classes
These workshops are continuing and members and others can join at any time.
Dates : 4/9/20 11/9/20 18/9/20 25/9/20
Times : 10 -12 noon
Contact Andrew at:
Smash Writing with Louise Allen
Writing to prompts with writing tips along the way.
Tuesday evenings fortnightly, commencing 8 September and ongoing
Place : Mattie Furphy House
Time : 6-9pm
For more info and FAQs, see:
Friday At Furphys 11 September 2020
Valued Story Mentor presenter Andrew Levett will be our guest. Andrew will share the journey to his recent completion of the draft of his novel and read from his work.
Nibbles and mulled wine.
Cost $5.00 members $10.00 Non-members
Singing Trees - Book Launch
Prominent poet and FAWWA member Glen Phillips will launch his latest short prose collection, titled Singing Trees, on Saturday Sept 26, come at 4.30 for a 5pm start.
A Fortunate Life Production
West Australian Theatre Company's THEATRE 180 and CinemaStage are performing A Fortunate Life, adapted and written for the stage by Jenny Davis and Stuart Halusz. The Perth Season runs at ACE Cinemas, Rockingham, 28th August to 13th September. Albert Facey's resilience, hope and courage epitomised the fortitude and ingenuity of our early pioneers. Tickets on sale now at: