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October Newsletter 2020


Dear Members and Friends,

The wildflower season has arrived : the caravan is hitched with the adventurers planning the drive north to the glorious carpets of Everlastings, the Wreath Flowers of Geraldton, the Fire Bells and Kangaroo Paw of Coal Seam National Park. And the warming sun!


The AGM is scheduled for Sunday 25 October at 3pm. We are delighted to announce that Amanda Curtin will be our guest speaker. Amanda won the West Australian Writers Fellowship at the WA Premiers Literary Awards. Nomination and proxy forms will arrive into the PCs of members this week. The new committee will consist of 8 members. Office Bearer positions include President and Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. Please help constitute the 2021 FAWWA committee; continuing the vital work of the Fellowship. We look forward to seeing you at the AGM to elect a strong, cooperative and imaginative Committee.

Tom Collins Poetry Prize

The Tom Collins Poetry Prize opens on 1st October and runs until 15th December. FAWWA will return to a hard copy entry format this year to help streamline the operations of the office. Details are on the entry form which is available at the website:


Vivienne Glance will be our guest at Friday@Furphy's on Friday October 9th. Vivienne will speak about writing for social change, which has become a very meaningful topic during this Covid period. Vivienne's writing (poetry, short stories, plays, etc) flows from her values and activism. One of her recent poems has been accepted into a Rights Of Nature (RONA) project taking place in Brisbane in October. A novel manuscript ‘Staring at the Sun’ is short-listed in an international competition for works that highlight a more sustainable world. Vivienne's book “Letters to Our Home” is another example of a creative writing project that is inspired by what she terms ‘artivism’. Vivienne has presented workshops for associations such as The Bob Brown Foundation to help people express their connections to the environment through creative writing.


Ben Mason will hold the first part of his Residency from 25th September to 11th October. Ben is a poet and writer of the spoken word. Ben founded the Bunbury Writers Group and his short fiction has been performed — LitLive Perth — published — Grok, Brain drip, StyleusLit and upcoming in Verge— and nationally awarded — KSP, Armadale Writer’s Award. He has won spoken word competitions, and finished 3rd in the 2019 WA round of the Australian Poetry Slam State Final.

Andrew Levett will complete his residency at the end of October and give a workshop on 31st October, from 1-4pm. Andrew is a fantasy fiction writer and long-time workshop presenter at FAWWA. Andrew's work won the 2017 KSP Memoir Award, and numerous Talus prizes from 2010 to 2018. Andrew has recently completed the draft of his novel 'The Rebels'.


Andrew Levett's workshop 'Creating a Story' will be held on Saturday 31st October at Mattie Furphy House, 1.30 - 4.30pm. This will be an exercise-led workshop where participants will develop initial ideas into powerful stories.

Busy Bee

FAWWA will hold a spring busy bee on Saturday 17th October. Please come along and help spruce up Mattie Furphy House ready for the AGM.

OOTA Collaboration

On the 9th and 23 October FAWWA will again host the OOTA Writing Groups. Shane McCauley's poetry class will run from 10 - 12 noon and Carol Millner's prose workshop will run from 1pm - 3pm. If you are a member of FAWWA, OOTA or another group affiliated with WA Writers United these sessions are $25. Non-members: $30. Pay as you go. Please bring cash on the day.

News from KSP

Workshop: 'So You Want to Cope with Copyright', Saturday 3 October 2020, 1.00-4.00pm

To become a published author, you need to know more than just how to write well. Understanding copyright is an essential component in the business of writing, particularly if you are interested in self-publishing. This workshop will be run by Lisa and Rebekah from Wild Weeds Press. Tickets from just $20; prior registration is essential. Limited places.

Online Writing Course: 'So You Want to Take the Next Step', Four consecutive Saturday mornings from 10 October 2020, 9.00-11.00am

You've got some words down on the page, now what? Where does your story want to go? What's working, and what isn't? This workshop is for anyone who has some words down (a paragraph or a whole manuscript) and wants to figure out what to do next. This course will be facilitated by award-winning author Chloe Higgins. Full course costs start from $190; prior registration is essential. Limited places.


Thank you to finance volunteers Svetlana Malunova and John Sun who are assisting us prepare for an audit; outgoing Social Media volunteer Olivia Wilkinson, and dedicated library volunteer Phil Teasdale.

Office Hours

FAWWA Administrator, Carol Millner will be in the office Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am until 3pm, until the end of the year. If you have any queries, please call her on 9384 4771 during office hours.

Sally Gaunt

Acting President



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